Molecular Oncology Protocol FAQ
Molecular Oncology Protocol FAQ
Many online sources state that Laetrile Is toxic. How can you state otherwise?
Laetrile is amygdalin synthesized on a laboratory, there is a controversy around the ineffectiveness of Laetrile and its Health risks; however it has been stated since 1962 that when it is taken in a manner other than orally, is non-toxic.
How does Laetrile work as a cancer treatment?
Results obtained with Laetrile are mainly because is part of a cancer protocol, and not a standalone therapy. Amygdalin is found naturally in some fruits and nuts which points at our own ability to digest it. After that happens, the cyanide is neutralized by healthy cells with the help of the rhodanese enzyme. Cancer cells, on the other hand, lack this enzyme, and the result is a depletion of a crucial amino acid used for tumor growth, cysteine. Without it, glutathione can no longer be produced and a malignant cell becomes susceptible to cancer treatments.
How is vitamin C administered?
Due to oral doses limitations, vitamin C is given via IV. The infusion is a high dose in the order of grams exceeding greatly the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).
Could you explain how a vitamin C treatment works?
A concentrated dose of vitamin C produces a high volume of hydrogen peroxide, a lethal molecule to tumorous cells since they do not have enough catalase to destroy it.Also, vitamin C is part of this cancer protocol because we know that best results can be obtained if it is used conjointly with an ozone therapy, such as the hyperthermia ozone sauna.
How is DMSO administered?
It is usually applied topically near the area where cancer has been detected. At HMC we administer DMSO by IV
Are there side effects to DMSO Potentiation Therapy?
Only certain patients have observed two side effects: breath odor and mild local burning. It is generally well tolerated.
Isn’t ozone toxic to breathe?
That still remains a fact. Patients are placed on a sealed sauna cabin up to their neck to prevent ozone release and respiration. The head is always out of the cabin, in a comfortable position, never experiencing the sudden heat, steam and ozone release.
Why do malignant cells thrive in a low-oxygen environment?
Their low oxygen needs (hypoxic) are an adaptation to their rapid growth, when major changes on size are taking place, a chaotic arrangement of blood vessels develops and the lymphatic vessels also become insufficient; what happens next is the inability of a tumor to capture nutrients from the blood and remove waste through the lymphs. In the end, oxygen is compromised and the only way a tumor is able to survive is by changing its needs.
Could hypoxia be considered an advantage when treating cancer?
It depends. Traditional methods, like chemo and radiotherapy, are sometimes unable to work as intended because they cannot work in hypoxic microenvironments (each tumor has a chaotic and unique arrangement of vessels). But this also means that if we select the appropriate complementary and alternative therapy, we have a greater opportunity of success.
How can a normal cell be turned into a stem cell?
This is done through genetic reprogramming. Basically, the cell is forced to express genes and factors that defines it as a stem cell; what induces this reprogramming .
How does a stem cell work as part of immunotherapy?
Once we have obtained stem cells from the patient or induced the pluripotent stem cells from the patient’s own cells, rejection is at minimum, now is time to target tumor cells. As we have explained, tumor cells have created means to avoid immune response. Restoring this response is the logic thing to do. Since tumor cells produce the type of cytokines (a signaling protein) that suppress immune response, we manipulate stem cells to do the opposite by migrating to tumorous tissue and once there, generate cytokines that have the signaling ability turned on, releasing an immune response to tumor cells.