As we have seen, detoxification plays a crucial part in achieving a homeostasis and chelation is another way to enhance our natural detoxification pathways.

For several decades now, we have been aware of the risk of toxic pollutants accumulation in our bodies a.k.a. bioaccumulation. Some pollutants are water soluble and easily excreted, but the ones that dissolve in fats are retained much longer. Our fat or adipose tissue plays a critical role in other organs and tissues protection from pollutants overload. But on the long run, such accumulation turns into an internal threat.
Is this preventable? Not so much, we mostly get exposed to toxic substances involuntarily from our environment and even our food: This is the reason behind the organic food movement!

But what happens when we must get exposed to chemicals? For example, when taking medications or receiving chemo and/or radiotherapy. Here, bioaccumulation depends on the amount and selection of drugs used, which varies depending on your response to the treatment. All this chemicals have a direct effect on the toxicity of normal and healthy cells in your body and even if it is affecting us in a positive way, our bodies need to flush away all foreign substances.

After a chemo treatment the whole system is dealing with excess toxins derived from the actual chemicals and also from all the cellular waste that has been created. So not only our bodies get loaded with toxins, we now have to deal with build-up waste products from the treatments received. One of the best ways to help our system get rid of this by-products is with a detox therapy.

Normally our internal detox mechanisms work to dispose of digestive and respiratory waste, like carbon dioxide, which is permanently expelled by respiration. But that’s not all, metabolic waste is removed through sweat and urine. The kidneys are the main organs of excretion and it has been calculated that a volume of blood similar to that in the whole body is filtered in the kidneys every 5 minutes. This is possible because waste and toxic materials travel through the blood, but in the end are added to the urine. If our kidneys are not functioning efficiently or if they are over-tasked, toxic waste will accumulate.

It is really important to improve kidney health and whenever it is feasible, to remove excess waste and toxins. By now, you may have heard of the advantages of a kidney cleanse to improve its function. There are a few other things you should try, like losing excess weight, moderate your alcohol intake and avoid medication that might cause kidney damage.

Another suggestion would be the use of herbal teas; we have chosen Flor-Essence and Essiac tea, known for its antioxidant, anti inflammatory and DNA-protective properties. Both teas contain eight principal herbs with specific biological activity, and collectively, their qualities form a natural anti-cancer agent. Specifically Burdock root, a herb contained on Essiac tea, protects cells against toxic chemicals.

As a whole, Flor-Essence tea acts as an immunostimulator; Red clover, one of its components, facilitates waste and toxic elimination through three different routes: kidneys, skin and bowels.


As we mentioned, metabolic waste is not only removed by the kidneys, is also through sweat. At our clinic, we provide a Hypothermia Ozone Sauna as part of the detox therapies, this combines the multiple benefits of a steam sauna and the useful effects of ozone in the skin. Since our skin is always exposed to UV rays and environmental pollutants, we have adapted to it and developed a protection in the form of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, like vitamin E. Over time, the old layers move up and the dead skin cells are replaced.

What is interesting to note is that only the most superficial part of the skin, the stratum corneum, reacts with ozone since its function is to act as a barrier. Because of this, the ozone reacts immediately generating reactive oxygen species. Adding a steam sauna to the ozone therapy helps to open skin pores and the results of the reaction taking place in the surface can enter the venous and lymphatic capillaries.

If we consider the fact that we can retain bacterial toxic waste in our colon and absorb it while is there, a colon cleanse is considered a detox therapy as well.

Constipation is a very well known side effect of a few chemo drugs and when a diet is poor in fiber, cleansing techniques such as colon hydrotherapy and coffee enemas favor intestinal motility. The purpose is not only to cleanse the intestines, these therapies also stimulate the liver and gallbladder, increasing bile flowing and flushing toxins along the way.

Due to the fact that one of the main functions of the colon is the absorption of water, dissolved substances, and nutrients, in some cases a frequent cleansing is not recommended. Still, you can enjoy the benefits of colon cleansing, starting with an improved digestion and nutrient assimilation, and of course a revitalized mental state.

As we have seen, detoxification plays a crucial part in achieving a homeostasis and chelation is another way to enhance our natural detoxification pathways.

Heavy metals can be highly toxic, suppressing the immune system and having negative impacts on the body’s metabolic processes, once they are finally removed we notice that energy levels rise, memory and circulation are improved and it even favors cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Above all, there is a better response to treatments since the body is allowed to self repair.

A detox therapy would not be complete without the use of juicing. If you are struggling with a serious disease it is probable that you have difficulty to digest and absorb food. Juicing as a nutrition therapy makes the nutrients more readily available to digest. In addition to that, the juices help the kidneys to flush due to their high liquid content.

We offer multiple options in our detoxification therapies: hyperthermia ozone sauna, colon hydrotherapy & coffee enemas, chelation, juicing and herb teas. They all are complementary and alternative therapies.

Detoxification Therapies FAQ

  • Doesn’t detox occur naturally?
  • What organs are involved in detoxification?
  • Are there any changes on my lifestyle that I should do?
  • Can I detoxify after a chemo?
  • Do you use any herbal products?
  • How does ozone work as a detox therapy?
  • Isn’t ozone harmful to our bodies?
  • Are there more benefits with juices than eating whole fruits and vegetables?
  • When is colon hydrotherapy not recommended?
  • What results should I expect from a colon hydrotherapy?
  • Could you provide a trusted source that proves detox therapies efficiency?
Doesn’t detox occur naturally?

Under normal conditions our detox mechanisms would be able to get rid of toxins but since we are in contact with more chemicals than ever, they are overtasked. In some cases, they cannot fulfill the jobbecause the toxin is not present in nature. Also, when we do not choose a healthy lifestyle, name good food and a dose of daily exercise, we are shutting down some detox mechanisms.

What organs are involved in detoxification?
  • Skin, through sweat
  • Lungs, remove carbon dioxide
  • Lymphatic system, working as a drainage network
  • Kidneys, expeling metabolic waste
  • Liver, removes body waste and toxins from blood
  • Colon, eliminates food waste
Are there any changes on my lifestyle that I should do?

We recommend having a diet and lifestyle as natural as possible to avoid burdening the body. This includes:

  • Doing mild-moderate exercise to accelerate the heart rate, improve oxygenation and remove toxins through sweat.
  • Your nutrition is vital; change to organic food, lower alcohol and sugar intake
  • To minimize environmental exposure to toxins, try removing as much as unnecessary chemicals around you.
Can I detoxify after a chemo?

This is actually one of the top reasons to attend a detox treatment. After chemo and radiation, the whole system is loaded with build-up waste products received by the treatments, including cellular waste.

Do you use any herbal products?

We like to use two herbal teas, Flor-Essence and Essiac tea. The tea mixtures contain Burdock and Rhubarb root, Sheep sorrel, Slippery elm bark, Watercress, Blessed thistle, Red clover and Kelp. Together they are known as having antioxidant, anti inflammatory and DNA-protective properties.

How does ozone work as a detox therapy?

Ozone is released inside a sealed sauna cabin in which the head remains out to prevent breathing ozone. With the steam produced in the sauna, the pores are opened so ozone can enter and stimulate the lymph cells concentrated in the dermis (the second layer of skin), toxins are then expelled through sweat.

Isn’t ozone harmful to our bodies?

As with many other drugs and substances, it is in fact toxic when is given in high amounts and on a long exposure. When there is a brief exposure, it has proven to be beneficial to our skin.

Are there more benefits with juices than eating whole fruits and vegetables?

Drinking fresh juices is highly recommended since they are packed with nutrients, antioxidants and enzymes. The body finds them easier to digest, therefore, nutrient absorption is superior. Combinations will depend on needs and desired results; for example, a mix of tomato, carrot and spinach juice is loaded with carotenoids that protect human DNA and have a protective effect against cancer.

When is colon hydrotherapy not recommended?

People that suffer from heart or kidney disease as well as gastrointestinal issues should refrain from taking this therapy, since there is an enormous shift of electrolytes and fluid balance.

What results should I expect from a colon hydrotherapy?

There is a stimulation on the gallbladder and liver, resulting in more toxins being flushed away. After chemo, constipation could occur, a colonic irrigation should be able to solve this issue.

Lastly, you should be able to notice mental clearness and a better digestion.

Could you provide a trusted source that proves detox therapies efficiency?

DeBerardinis, R. J. (2008). Is cancer a disease of abnormal cellular metabolism? New angles on an old idea. Genetics in Medicine, 10(11), 767.

Salami, J., & Crews, C. M. (2017). Waste disposal—an attractive strategy for cancer therapy. Science, 355(6330), 1163-1167.

Weiner, I. D., Mitch, W. E., & Sands, J. M. (2015). Urea and ammonia metabolism and the control of renal nitrogen excretion. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 10(8), 1444-1458.

Leonard, S. S., Keil, D., Mehlman, T., Proper, S., Shi, X., & Harris, G. K. (2006). Essiac tea: Scavenging of reactive oxygen species and effects on DNA damage. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 103(2), 288-296.

Tamayo, C., Richardson, M. A., Diamond, S., & Skoda, I. (2000). The chemistry and biological activity of herbs used in Flor‐Essence™ herbal tonic and Essiac. Phytotherapy Research, 14(1), 1-14.;2-O/full

Merrill, M., et al. (2012) Toxicological function of adipose tissue: focus on persistent organic pollutants. Environmental health perspectives.

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