How long can ascorbate stay in our system?

It can be stored in our system for several weeks and concentrations vary between tissues and organs.  A common misconception is that it cannot be stored in our system since it’s always excreted in our urine, daily elimination actually occurs if daily ingestion exceeds 200 mg. This is the main reason why vitamin C is given as an intravenous infusion instead.

In what functions is vitamin C involved?

It has redox potential (oxidation-reduction) protecting molecules in our body of damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Aids on the synthesis of biomolecules, collagen and even neurotransmitters. Vitamin C or ascorbate is also involved on protein metabolism.

Is vitamin C part of a cancer treatment protocol?

It is in fact part of a cancer protocol, but you can also take advantage of vitamin C´s multiple health benefits, including a higher immune response and its antioxidant properties.

Is the dose administered considered a high dose?

Of course! The amount that is given as an IV is considered a high dose because it exceeds greatly the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), plus it wouldn’t be possible to administer high doses orally since when digested its concentrations are tight controlled by our organism.

What is the tolerable upper intake level?

The intake level depends on age group. The Food and Nutrition Board released the latest recommended dietary allowances on the year 2000. For an adult between the ages of 19-70 the highest daily intake of vitamin C is 2000 mg.

Are there any side effects?

  • Immediately before or after a heart procedure avoid vitamin C since it appears to interfere with proper healing.
  • People with diabetes should note that it might raise blood sugar and/or false readings. Correction of false glucose levels with excess insulin might be fatal.
  • If you suffer from any blood-iron disorders, you should avoid taking large amounts of vitamin C since it increases iron absorption.
  • If you have a history of kidney stones, vitamin C can increase your chances of getting kidney stones once again.
  • When suffering from sickle cell disease and G6PD deficiency avoid vitamin C ingestion above the RDA.

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